Consumer Solutions

Lidio Pass Designed for Consumers

Lidio is always with you to address your financial needs. Become a Lidio member to use our tailor-designed consumer solutions and to have a smooth purchasing experience in which you can make payments in seconds using any payment tool you choose.

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Frictionless Purchasing Experience

Join Lidio’s pool of 1.8 million tokenized cards to process payments from the biggest businesses in the world within seconds using diverse cashback advantages without re-entering card information every time. Moreover, have full control over the management of your tokenized cards.

  • With digital wallet capabilities of Lidio Pass, access benefits from our contracted merchants.
  • With Lidio Pass, process your real-time remittance/EFT transactions 24/7.
  • Click here to join 1.8 million users who have access to privileges offered by Lidio Pass.
Click to Sign Up

Offer “Pay with Credit” Option to Avoid Incomplete Transactions

“Pay with Credit” option, developed by Lidio in cooperation with contracted banks/financial technology enterprises, helps you complete your purchasing transactions without problems of card limits.

If you are overdrawn, or if you don’t prefer using payment methods like remittance/EFT or credit cards, Lidio’s Pay with Credit option is the right choice for you.

Lidio’s individual user access smooth purchasing experience with “Pay with Credit” option which is available for purchases of 500 TRY or more, and can get instant shopping loan from Lidio’s contracted banks, including İş Bank, Qnb Finansbank, Vakıfbank, Fibabanka, Denizbank, and Teb.

Lidio’s Pay with Credit feature helps you avoid incomplete transactions.

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Physical Payments with Lidio QR

With Lidio QR, you can make instant payments with your tokenized cards in Lidio Pass or other payment arguments to all merchants, both online and offline.

  • Even if you don’t carry around your wallet or your credit card, you can quickly complete your payments using your smart phone camera or QR code scanner without entering card information.
  • Lidio users can easily access the payment screen by scanning the QR code generated by online or offline merchants. You can use this screen to access Pay with E-Wallet option or pay with your tokenized cards in Lidio infrastructure.
  • All QR codes generated by online or offline merchants are compatible with the TR QR Code application developed by the Central Bank of Republic of Turkey.

Process your Payments with Multiple Payment Tools

  • Finalize your order with various payment arguments!
  • When you need to use multiple credit cards, or Pay with Credit option and/or Pay with Remittance/EFT or when you want to split the total price of a shopping cart with your business partners, you can process payment with up to 10 different payment tools.
  • With the Partial Payment service in Lidio Pass, complete your purchases with any payment tool you choose without worrying about card limits.
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    Easily Track Your Purchases with Lidio Pass

    Lidio 360 helps you keep your orders from all Lidio merchants secure.

    • With Lidio 360, manage the shipping status, order cancel/return and support processes for your orders.
    • Payments for your orders placed via Lidio 360 will be processed only after you confirm receipt of the order. Enjoy secure shopping with Lidio 360.
    • You can transfer amounts from returned orders to your Lidio accounts or spend them at contracted Lidio merchants.
    • You can use your tokenized card when shopping on Lidio 360, and enjoy a smooth purchasing experience without re-entering card information.
    Lidio 360 3D Secure LidioPass
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